Tikbalang (also tigbalang, tigbalan, tikbalan, or demon horse) is a half-man and half-horse creature. It has the head and feet of a horse, and the body of a human. It usually appears on the night of full moon looking for a female prey and usually rapes the victim in order to bear its offspring. Tikbalangs are playful creatures and they usually make people imagine things that are not real, sometimes to the point that they become crazy.
Tikbalangs are believed to live in dark, sparsely populated, foliage-overgrown areas, specifically in bamboo or banana groves, atop balete trees, and even beneath bridges. According to legends, a pair of Tikbalangs is being wed when rain falls while the sun is shining.
(October 2013 https://sites.google.com/site/catmonanonsabako/tradition/customs-and-beliefs/folklore)
References, Attributions and Further Reading:
• Philippine mythical creatures – Wikipedia
• Philippine Myths & Legends: Manananggal – FFE Magazine
• File:Manananggal.jpg From Wikimedia Commons
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